Cuprisina auratus (Francesca)
Inspired by the common goldfish (Carassius auratus) and an illustration by Lance Batchlin.
Cupris francescalini is a sculpture made from a variety of recycled objects, including: windscreen wiper blades, acupuncture needles, a Dove shower wash bottle, a maglite torch, a windscreen wiper motor, gas BBQ injectors, a deodorant bottle, and a burned out audio amplifier transformer. Copper and brass have also been used.
The sculpture has a thermistor near the rear and each minute samples the ambient temperature. Using a micro controller it converts the temperature to a colour, which is displayed on the eye. A deep blue eye means it is cool, green about 20 degrees C, and yellow a little too warm. Custom-made keys at the front of the transformer control lighting modes for the eye and rear exhaust ports.