Cuprisina julietto (Juliette)
Inspired by the Cyaneidae family (jellyfishes)
Cuprisina julietto is a sculpture standing 1.8m tall. The dome is formed from a recycled copper hot water cylinder, together with recycled spark plugs and fuses. The eight tentacles are made from an old wire clothes line and supplemented with scrap copper tendrils. The ‘skirt’ is made with jagged strips of thin cloth mesh.
Lighting on the tentacles is from four banks of dim, warm white LEDs on slow fade in / out patterns. A micro- controller manages the remainder of the lighting: two banks of LEDs on the top, the pulsing central blue light, and the under dome lighting. A dimmable, cool blue coloured electro-luminsescent wire also adds to the under dome lighting.
Powered by a fused, recycled laptop power supply.